In her literary debut “Awkward is the New Brave”, Belle Lockerby becomes our bravery bestie through sharing her personal story of overcoming an arsenal of life’s “adversity wedgies”. Belle encourages everyone to be brave enough to be themselves, awkward enough to try the uncomfortable things, and kind enough to become the safe space for others doing the same. Having coached over 1000 humans from all walks of life, Belle lives and breathes change. She knows we can re purpose our pasts using a shield of humor and a sword of honesty to become lovers of AND fighters for our own lives.

Topics we talk about:

loss of family to suicide, cancer

work-life balance

starting a business while parenting young children

Thought Editing

healing from childhood situations

Change your thinking book

conscious thinking

self care

management of feelings

Switching to doing business online

to reach the host:

[email protected]

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