In this episode of Cat's Pajamas Conversations mini-series, Communicate Well, Carrie-Ann Wade talks with Kate Jarman about Flex NHS. Kate is the Director of Corporate Affairs at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and co-founder of Flex NHS.

Flex NHS is a support and resource network that promotes and enables flexible working in the NHS. Carrie-Ann and Kate talk about the advantages of flexible working, both for individuals and organisations, how to make this work and what some of the perceived barriers are.

For communications professionals, flexible working, in whatever shape or form that may take, supports work-life balance, wellbeing and productivity. Have you thought about how flexible working might help you? Hopefully this episode will support you to reflect on this and maybe start a conversation that enables you and your team to work differently.

Find out more about Flex NHS and join the conversation via @FlexNHS on Twitter or @FlexNHS on Instagram. 

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