In this episode of our Cat's Pajamas Conversations mini-series Communicate Well, Carrie-Ann Wade talks with Sally Northeast, Darren Caveney and Georgia Taylor about Comms Unplugged. These three amazing communicators are the trio behind Comms Unplugged, a weekend designed to support comms pros with their wellbeing, development and learning. Find out more via

A bit about Sally:

Deputy Director for OD, Communication and Participation at Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust. After a degree in languages Sally trained to be a journo at the local paper in her home town. A few years later she hopped the fence into local gov comms, with a stint as a freelance and finally a move to the NHS.

A bit about Georgia:

Director of Communication and Marketing, for England’s newest urban local authority, BCP Council, serving the 400,000 residents of the city-region of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole on the glorious south coast. Georgia studied a PR degree in her hometown of Bournemouth, which included a placement at the council. She loved it so much she went back after the obligatory post-graduation travelling and hasn’t left since!

A bit about Darren:

His son claims Darren “works on The Twitter”. But really, he is a communications consultant, creator of comms2point0, and owner of Creative Communicators Ltd. Darren's 23-year career in communications, marketing and PR spans 10 years as Head of Communications within local government, a director level role in the NHS and five years in private sector marketing, winning some awards with his teams along the way and he has worked with over 100 communications teams in his consultancy role.

We think you can tell that this is a passionate bunch and we are not surprised they are collaborating on Comms Unplugged, giving back to the communications community.