We are back with Episode 94 of Cat Crave Radio! The first week of the off season for the Carolina Panthers ended with potentially more questions than we began with. Is John Fox staying or going? What about Julius Peppers? We try to make some sense of it all. 

Darin Gantt of the Rock Hill Herald was with us to discuss the Fox situation, Peppers, Rip Scherer and Danny Crossman. Darin provides us with his boots-on-the-ground knowledge.

Legendary Carolina Panther Mike Minter was back in the house for The Minter View. What else did we talk about except for Fox, Peppers (don’t miss Mike’s thoughts on Julius’ value) and whether agents have too much control over the business of the NFL.

Nick Yeoman of You Tube joined us to provide the fans’ perspective. We began our team break down with the secondary in The Panther Preview (we can’t seem to come up with another name even though the season is over and there’s no game to preview). Nick also took part in another edition of Boom Or Bust as well as Pick ‘Em.

The Sound Off segment this week covers the calls we received on the previous Question of the Week – Will Julius Peppers be back and do you want him back? It’s surprising what you’ll hear.

While we’re are it, don’t forget the Question of the Week for next week – If John Fox doesn’t return for next season who, besides Bill Cowher, would you want to be the Panthers next head coach? That’s right! No Cowher. Call us on the CCR Hotline at 206-350-9673 and leave a message. We’ll play all the answers we get on next week’s show.

It’s all in the latest episode. Check it out and feel free to comment below.

Oh, yeah, one more thing…you can now subscribe to our show on iTunes! And one more thing…give us a follow over on Twitter.

Thanks for listening! Enjoy!