Episode 93 of Cat Crave Radio has arrived! The Carolina Panthers completed the 2009 season with a win over the New Orleans Saints backups finishing up at 8-8. We have the review. We also have a preview of what we can expect from this off season.

We were joined this week by fan favorite Ross Tucker of SI. Ross talked to us about the future of John Fox, Julius Peppers and just how good he feels the Panthers could be in 2010.

Sarah Webster of Cardiac Cats stopped in. She’s a huge Panthers fan who gives us some great fan feedback. Matt Moore? You bet! And are there any other changes she wants to see made in the Queen City? And don’t forget to check out Sarah’s movie A Beautiful Debt!

Tom Sorensen of the Charlotte Observer was back to speak to us about (what else?) John Fox, potential trades, Jake Delhomme and the CBA. Tom has been covering the team since day one. His insights are second to none!

Nick Yeoman of You Tube was back. His thoughts can be heard in another Panther Preview (we’re still calling it that due to a lack of a new name), Boom Or Bust and Pick ‘Em.

The Sound Off segment includes some not-so-kind words for John Fox, as you might imagine. The CCR Hotline has gone from being all about Jake to all about Fox.

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Don’t forget the Question of the Week – Will Julius Peppers be back next season? Do you want him back? Call us and leave a message on the Cat Crave Radio Hot Line at (206) 350-9673.

It’s all in the latest episode. Check it out and feel free to comment below.

Oh, yeah, one more thing…you can now subscribe to our show on iTunes! And one more thing…give us a follow over on Twitter.Thanks for listening! Enjoy!