We are back with Episode 91 of Cat Crave Radio! A victory over the Minnesota Vikings on Sunday for the Carolina Panthers – what can we say but WOW! Up next, the team’s second trip this season to New Jersey to play the New York Giants. We have complete reviews and previews.

Jason Cole of Yahoo! Sports was with us to discuss a story he posted last week concerning John Fox’s and Marty Hurney’s futures with the team. Could they be staying? Could they be going? And if they leave, who might be replacing them?

Tom Sorensen of the Charlotte Observer was back with us. He gave us some thoughts on this report as well. There were discussions of Steve Smith, Matt Moore and a whole lot more.

The Giants are this week’s opponent and representing The Enemy was Andrew Corselli of G-Men HQ. We picked his brain about Eli Manning, that struggling Giants’ defense and how he feels this match-up will turn out.

Nick Yeoman of You Tube fame was along for the ride again taking part in The Panther Preview, Boom Or Bust and Pick ‘Em. As always, Nick’s awesomeness was evident!

Fans continue to call in to the CCR Hotline. We have their reactions in this week’s Sound Off.

It’s all in the latest episode. Check it out and feel free to comment below.

Oh, yeah, one more thing…you can now subscribe to our show on iTunes! And one more thing…give us a follow over on Twitter. And why not? One final thing…call us and leave a message on the Cat Crave Radio Hot Line at (206) 350-9673.

Thanks for listening! Enjoy!