Episode 90 of Cat Crave Radio is here! The Carolina Panthers fell to 5-8 with a loss to the New England Patriots and now there is a visit from that dude with the 4 on his jersey and the Minnesota Vikings on tap this Sunday. We have complete reviews and previews.

Jim Szoke, the Panthers’ color commentator and WBT Radio sports director joined us this week. We discussed Jake, Moose and Brad Hoover. It’s an interesting conversation and it’s worth a listen!

The Enemy this week is coming from Minnesota and representing the Vikings is Dan Zinski of The Viking Age. Dan gets the opportunity to explain how a Vikings fan can come to grips with having a former most hated player as his team’s starting quarterback.

Nick Yeoman of You Tube was back once again – ain’t he awesome! He gives us his thoughts in The Panther Preview as well as his take in both Boom Or Bust and Pick ‘Em.

There has been a let down for the fans, obviously. After 8 losses that would be expected. The result – one phone call in the Sound Off segment.

It’s all in the latest episode. Check it out and feel free to comment below.

Oh, yeah, one more thing…you can now subscribe to our show on iTunes! And one more thing…give us a follow over on Twitter. And why not? One final thing…call us and leave a message on the Cat Crave Radio Hot Line at (206) 350-9673.

Thanks for listening! Enjoy!