We are back with Episode 72 of Cat Crave Radio! Training camp continues for the Carolina Panthers but, unfortunately, not without incident. Steve Smith’s shoulder is now the big story over-shadowing last week’s already big story – Kemo’s achilles injury.

We not only cover this big story but we check in with some key players we’ll all be keeping an eye on this season – Dwayne Jarrett, Richard Marshall, Tony Fiammetta and Everette Brown.

We had a rare opportunity for an extended chat with quarterbacks coach Rip Scherer along with several other media members. He talked to us about Jake Delhomme, the backups and technique. It’s a very insightful conversation.

And we got an exclusive interview with Jeff Otah. We talked to the big right tackle about Everette Brown, the team’s depth on the O-Line and the upcoming season.