Cat Crave Radio has returned!! What a week! The Carolina Panthers have officially begun their season in Spartanburg, SC at Wofford College. We were there to cover the beginning of training camp

Like everyone with press credentials, we chased down every single interview we could get. There were lots of opportunities to speak to the players and we got the chance to talk to Chris Gamble one on one with no one else around giving us an exclusive that not even the big boys got.

We also had a chance to speak to Ross Tucker of SI and Sirius Satellite Radio fame about the coming season and to pick his brain on our Panthers.

Some of the players we spoke to included Steve Smith, Jake Delhomme, Muhsin Muhammad, DeAngelo Williams, Ma’ake Kemoeatu among many others.

Training camp is a great time of year and it appears, having seen the process from behind the scenes, that the members of the press bring up topics to numerous players keeping it going for a while. Early this week, one such topic got rolling and found a life of its own. We have a complete run down for you. This made for a very interesting segment.

It’s all in the show. Give it a listen and feel free to comment below.

Oh, yeah, one more thing…you can now subscribe to our show in iTunes! And one more thing…give us a follow over on Twitter.
Thanks for listening! Enjoy!