Cat Crave Radio is back with Episode 103! There is little news coming from the Carolina Panthers‘ headquarters. However, Jake Delhomme found a new home. We have the latest.

This week we are joined by Tom Sorensen of the Charlotte Observer. Tom talked to us about Jake, Brad Hoover, Dwayne Jarrett, John Fox and Marty Hurney. As always, Tom was insightful.

We present another installment of Around the Web this week. Our guest was Jaxon of Cat Scratch Reader. He provides another unique view from Panther Nation.

Nick Yeoman was back for another Panther Preview. With the draft coming up, we broke down our choices for the five best and the five worst draft choices in Panthers history. Take a listen and tell us if you agree or disagree with our selections.

Call us and sound off. Were our picks the right call? What are you thoughts on the team? Call us on the CCR Hotline at 206-350-9673 and leave a message. We’ll play your thoughts on the show.