Episode 102 of Cat Crave Radio is here! The past seven days will be remembered as one of the most emotional weeks in the history of the Carolina Panthers. Jake Delhomme and Brad Hoover both found themselves released by the organization. Others were sent home as well. We have the details and the analysis.

Just before all the emotions started to boil over, the team placed the highest tender possible on their future starter, Matt Moore. Just after he was given the news, we had the chance to speak to our new starting quarterback. Listen to hear his thoughts on how the organization handled his situation as well as what he thinks about shopping his services to other teams.

Darin Gantt of the Rock Hill Herald and the Charlotte Observer joined us to help us all make a little sense of the moves the team has made. We discussed Jake, Hoov, Damione Lewis…well the list goes on and on.

Nick Yeoman was back to provide the fans’ perspective in The Panther Preview. You can just imagine what we discussed. Is anybody happy about these moves? Is Nick happy to see Jake leave the building?