What sorts of things keep (or would keep) you and your team enchanted, or at least pleased with work? Imagination, instant vs. delayed gratification, and working for visionaries vs. normal people.


LIVE Podcast at The Crown 12/14
Reserve your FREE spot: http://bit.ly/catcloudlive




Christmas (Alone) by RealChrisBaca: http://bit.ly/35Sq7iH

Related Episode!

Are You A Good Boss?: http://bit.ly/rugoodboss

Your Hosts!

Baca on the Gram: www.instagram.com/realchrisbaca
Baca's YouTube: www.youtube.com/realchrisbaca
JT on the Gram: www.instagram.com/jared_truby


Santa Cruz Chai: https://santacruzchai.com/
Steeped Coffee: http://bit.ly/steepedpackets

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