One of the things that many podcasters crave (myself included) is having a connected relationship with our podcasting audience. It's always SO NICE to get that email or DM that says "You are making a difference for me!"......but many of us are hearing crickets from our podcast audience.

With this episode I'm bringing in Jessica Kupferman from She Podcasts to help us build a legion of raving podcast audience members. She is also going to deliver some amazing podcasting tips!

Jessica Kupferman is the co-host and co-founder of the She Podcasts brand, which currently supports over 18,000 female podcasters and has a digital marketing reach of over 55,000 content creators.

Check out episode 130 of Podcasting Business School as Jessica and I discuss: 

Tips for creating and nurturing a massive Facebook community. How she developed a paid membership option that she could market to her free community. The ONE huge mistake she wishes podcasters would quit making. Her biggest podcasting business epic fail moment. How she would make her first $1,000 if she had to start all over again from scratch with her show.

Connect with Jessica:


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My Podcasting Business Coaching Starter Pack is on sale this week. Use the promo code PODPAL at checkout to save $50
