Today I'm Casting The Pod with my friend Marisa Imon from the Incandescent: An Unconventional Meditation Podcast.

Marisa Imon is a podcast, voice artist, and the bestselling author of the book, "Super Intense: How Working With Your Emotional Intensity Makes You A Total Superhero." She lives with Bipolar Type 1 and promotes the mindfulness practices that have positively supported her in living well with her diagnosis.

As a composer and voice over artist with a passion for meditation, she has created hundreds of meditations and musical compositions for various apps and business across the globe, serving clients in 14 countries. Today she shares a new meditation every Tuesday through Thursday on her podcast, Incandescent. 

Check out episode 093 of Casting The Pod as Marisa and I discuss:

How she got her start in podcasting. Her ideal audience member avatar and how she serves them with each episode. How she earns money as a voice artist and some tips for aspiring voice artists. Tips for podcasters that feel like they are driving the struggle bus.

Connect with Marisa:





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