We're into the second quarter of 2015. Where are you in your plan? You set goals that you want to reach by certain points in the year in life, business and finances. Are you moving the needle forward? Did you hit your first-quarter goals? Did you hit the ground running in January and now find that you're running low on steam? Are you making offers and doing deals, working consistently toward your overall goals, hitting a few, and then using the strategies and knowledge you've learned from Cash Flow Diary to keep moving forward? If not, why not? Too many times we let too many things get in our way of achieving success. That's because we let negativity, personal challenges in life, professional challenges in business and chaos to keep us from taking action. If this reflects where you're at right now, stand up and walk outside. Start opening your mouth and talking to more people. Success truly boils down to a shift in your mindset and developing the skills that will allow you to keep moving, no matter what. Chaos is actually opportunity! This special episode, taken from a recent live event, is meant to give you a big dose of inspiration to help motivate you to take action and then take more action. There is no magic bullet. Success and financial independence requires front work and continued action steps. This is a little different type of episode and it's full of excitement. Let it help you to get excited about what you're accomplishing in business and life.
