Ever wish you had a mentor in your corner who could give you the answers to all your burning real estate investing questions? What about those times where you're not sure if a deal is a go or no-go? That's what Q & A with J. is all about! Each week at 4 p.m., PST, Cashflow CORE Members get their questions answered LIVE and in real time by a very seasoned real estate investor... none other than J. Massey. He rips deals apart, runs the numbers, and helps members understand what they're learning in CORE courses, like Deals at Discounts, Capital Creators and others. Pretty soon, even more members will have clever questions to ask, like about investing in multi-family properties, too. After all, we'll be releasing that video course before summer! Many of those who participated in the live Investing in Multi-Family Properties mastermind group a few months back are doing deals and sometimes have questions as they move forward. They ask some good ones, too! J. has a lot of fun as the host of this web show. He gets to answer questions about wholesaling, fixing and flipping, raising private capital, investing in multi-family properties, how to run a proper Cashflow 101 game, how to talk to investors and where to find them... and so much more that viewers always get something out of logging in. In this episode of the Cash Flow Diary podcast, we get a behind-the-scenes peek at a recent Q & A with J. that -- just like all the other episodes -- are recorded so members can watch them any time they want. Listen in and you might just learn some pretty cool strategies you can put to immediate use in your real estate investing business. If you're not a member, takes notes. You're sure to learn something new. If you like what you hear, maybe it's time to consider membership.This show is just one of the perks!