This digital illustration tutorial will teach you how to use Adobe Animate or Adobe Flash to create a vector based logo from scratch. We'll discuss some initial resources and inspiration for a potential logo, then use the Text tool in Adobe Animate to lay down our initial font. After that we'll break it apart (so the editable text is no longer editable) and now a fill shape, which we can then color and manipulate. We'll add a gradient, outline the text and most importantly, have fun in yet another don't-take-it-too-seriously video tutorial podcast.

How to Draw a Logo Part 1 ( Video Tutorial Podcast Episode 17)

This digital illustration tutorial will teach you how to use Adobe Animate or Adobe Flash to create a vector based logo from scratch. We’ll discuss some initial resources and inspiration for a potential logo, then use the Text tool in Adobe Animate to lay down our initial font. After that we’ll break it apart (so the editable text is no longer editable) and now a fill shape, which we can then color and manipulate. We’ll add a gradient, outline the text and most importantly, have fun in yet another don’t-take-it-too-seriously video tutorial podcast.

Hosts: Justin Dike, Clevon O’Doul


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