Discussion on the new Top Level Domains (Bonus Show 5) Join us in this serious talk (eye roll) on the new top level domains you can register. What are top level domains, or TLD’s for short. You’re probably already familiar with .com, .net , and the rest of the “normal” ones. Right? You’ve been on the internet once or twice, eh? Well […]

Discussion on the new Top Level Domains (Bonus Show 5)

Join us in this serious talk (eye roll) on the new top level domains you can register. What are top level domains, or TLD’s for short. You’re probably already familiar with .com, .net , and the rest of the “normal” ones. Right? You’ve been on the internet once or twice, eh? Well now there’s a whole slew of new TLD’s you can register. Yes, weird ones like. Disney.men , Hair.club, ForeignObject.tools .  See what could possibly turn up when we take wild stabs in the dark at GoDaddy’s recommended domains.

Hosts: Justin Dike, Clevon O’Doul


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