On a truly wild ride, Adam Schomer filmed a group of seekers on a visceral, spiritual motorcycle journey through the Himalayas with his teacher, Anand Mehrotra. It is full of lessons for both riders and viewers. 

Adam also produced the documentary HEAL. He regularly teaches meditation weekends and, also, pranayama breathing exercises on the HEAL Instagram. He is currently breathing life into several more conscious docu-series. 

https://www.roadtodharma.com/     Episodes 1 & 2 are free on Apple TV, iTunes and Amazon Prime.

Take the full ROAD TO DHARMA course with 3 free episodes, meditations and additional lessons at https://www.roadtodharma.com/join

https://www.healdocumentary.com/    HEAL is currently free on Amazon and is also now a book by director Kelly Noonan Gores, a summit, and a podcast! 

Adam's Guru, Anand Mehrotra, founder of Sattva Yoga Academy, is based in Rishikesh, India, where both Yoga and Anand were born. Sattva Yoga Academy is on Facebook and Instagram. https://sattvayogaacademy.com/

ROAD TO DHARMA Trailer - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/roadtodharma

Your host, Lady Eleonor, is a curious curator, researcher and screenwriter.