Previous Episode: Welcome intro "Jedi You"

Limbajul Luminii pentru activarea dragostei fara conditii, un fel de Unicorn alb si stralucitor,
intr-o lume unde am fost super conditionati si super dresati , infricosati de 'teama de abandon', de neincrederile majore sau de teama de a fi deloc destul de bun sau buna si alte aberatii mentale, blocante, induse , de niste 'destepti' superiori doar tehnologic si super dark.


Sa eliberam calea, o data si pentru totdeauna, de karmic patterns(through people, women and men) si negativitatile toate din trecut. Traumele, zidurile chinezesti din jurul inimii, so on.

 Breadcrumbingu' off.
Breadcrumbing is the act of sending out flirtatious, but non-committal social signals (i.e. "breadcrumbs") in order to lure a romantic partner in without expending much effort.

Pentru Noile Cupluri atat de anuntate cu surle si trambite. 

By Caroline  

​Nothing in these audios is to be construed as legal, medical(classical) or psychological advice.  
Anything I share is for educational and entertainment purposes only. 
Each soul must do their own research. Each soul is to be self-responsible. I am not liable for any choices the reader makes based on the contents of this information. I live by God's highest law - to love thy neighbor and do no harm. Consult your classical doctor for your health issues.