Very beautiful. 
 " May you walk through the world and know it's beauty , all the days 
of your life ."  
 Apache Blessing

The Relationship Decree 
I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence, and my team of the highest light to be present during this decree of intent.
I call upon the Higher Self, I Am Presence, and team of the highest light of my beloved partner to be present during this decree of intent.

May both our hearts, minds and spirit be open to this clearing and intensification of light and love between us.
I call upon Archangel Michael, my Higher Self, I Am Presence and my highest team of light in spirit to clear and cleanse all energetic pathways between us, removing all interference allowing an increase of light and love between us. May all lower cords in our energy fields that prevent us from stabilising in loving connection be dissolved. May any lower frequency openings in our energy fields be sealed. May all interference and lower frequencies that requires removal be removed. 

May all unacknowledged, unconscious, disowned shadow energies within my psyche be embraced and held in love. May all protective blocking forces within my ego preventing this process be held and upgraded in love. May all energies within my ego structures blocking my ascension process be upgraded or extracted. May all energies that require healing or upgrading be healed or upgraded. May all disowned energies that can begin to reintegrate within my psyche be allowed and supported to do so. May the same process be applied to my partner’s energetic fields. 

May all lower frequencies and energies in our home be cleared with the light of spirit. May the structures of our home be cleared and sealed with ultra-violet fire. May all disharmony or interference seeking to enter our space be neutralised and cleared. May our home be grounded within the highest light of the ascending crystalline grid of the earth. May all disharmonious energies beneath our home be neutralised and corrected by devic forces working within the crystalline grid. May our energy fields be grounded in the highest light of the ascending crystalline grid. 

May all pathways of ancient karma between us be cleansed and cleared. May all limiting or harmful agreements, contracts, promises, vows between us be dissolved within the Akashic Records. May all discordant energies be released with light and love. May all learnings be retained free from any hurt or trauma. May we forgive and release and balance all ancient karma between us. 

As the light between us increases may all that is not love that arises in each and every moment be witnessed, released and healed. May all past experiences within this lifetime that is not of the highest love, harmony and support be acknowledged, witnessed and released with love. May all stories and meanings and beliefs arising from such experiences be cleared from our Soul Records. 

May all family patterns and dynamics that seek to play out within our relationship be acknowledged, witnessed and released with love. May all pain, abuse, hurt or trauma on our bloodlines that come to the surface within this divine connection be released and healed. May all ancient limiting or hurtful patterns within our bloodlines that seek expression within our relationship be acknowledged and released to the highest light. May our bloodlines be cleansed and restored within the ascending crystalline grid of the earth. 

May any agreements, contracts, promises or vows either of us that have taken that seek to recreate disharmony or pain between us be revoked through all time and space. Through all minds, all bodies, all dimensions, all timelines. May all and any old stories meanings, beliefs and identification that hooks us into old patterns be revoked into holy fire. 

I call upon angels of love and compassion to witness all that ne