Previous Episode: Mesaj Magic pentru Twini

Podcast in curand de aici. Noutati magice! 

Cei si cele care au deloc in spatiul inimii activate Dragostea Pura pentru Mama Dumnezeu * Tatal Dumnezeu si spiritul sfantului Duh, au deloc access catre Lumile Superioare ale Lui Dumnezeu si mai mult decat atat vor fi transformati in stardust, praf si pulbere, in prezenta Ambasadoarelor Mamei Dumnezeu. 
Detalii in podcastul  Lisei. 
Povesteste despre black goo material used in sa va raccordeze la reteaua lor dark, transformandu-va in 'fara inima', fara a simti, fara legatura cu Dumnezeu. 
Este deloc o gluma sau o joaca. 
Dezactivati asap vacc.inul letal, daca elgeti asta si daca iubiti viata(vie, sanatoasa, dragostea si a face dragoste cu your goddess woman).
De asta aveti durerea de spate, low back si de la goo, super sofisticata dark technology to control you, to serve them with your super twin energy(from God) si de la powerful black magi.c made on you for your 'finances' by A{le}., b, c women. #chimiaesteoffandevil  
Barbati Twin este super urgent sa va aliniati Luminii Higher Selfului vostru, sa realizati ca sunteti under spel.l.s ale Dark Mother inventate de Repto.s.alieni si dark A.I. si Dragonii negri, negative Aliens agenda.  Dezactivati asap vacc.inul letal, daca elgeti asta si daca iubiti viata(vie, sanatoasa, dragostea si a face dragoste cu your goddess woman).

Pentru cele si cei care sunteti bine cu madam engleza: 
Podcast Lisa Renee 
Sapphire Diamond Shield

Dear Ascending Family,

The planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle during the hierogamic event of the Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns earlier this year, with the center core of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers opening to transmit spirit cell clusters that contain the 1st creation core memory cell of each unique individual's eternal spirit family. This event further opened the doorway into the Universal Mother's Dark Matter Matrix which holds many Solar Reisha Worlds filled with assorted mother lineages of Yanas ascended masters, many of which are connected to the original Blue Flame Melchizedek, Mu'a and Aquaelle lineages that serve as Keepers of the Krystal core. Subsequent to this, the building out of the organic repair sequences for the Emerald Guardian Ascension Host mission upgrades are continuing with excessive speed and substantial intensity, to anchor the Sapphire Diamond Shield architecture into the 10D gateways for the return of the Cosmic Mother's Solar Reisha sophianic lineages throughout the planetary matrix.