Solar Plexus, Spe.ll.s, all darkness. Open 9 candels , arrange them in cross form. 
Just say Yes, I receive this Healing and listen. Without driving cars, you can sleep. 
Especially for You. In english, UltraLight Christ, Zero point energy(God) inside.  By Lisa and a lot of Lady Masters of The Authentic Light, Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Joseph, St.Germain, Archangel Michael, Ganesha, Shiva, Shakti, Kali, Shekmet, and more.

Dedic aceasta lucrare sacra Reuninii Twinilor, o ancorez in Lumina Vie A Lui Dumnezeu, Prime Creator(Mother Father God) si in cele 13 Matrici Cristaline ale Pamantului. #veroamore


Fara condus masina, fara alte activitati, energii puternice si veti adormi, doar ascultati din spatiul privat de rasfat, fara notificari on sau alte zgomote inutile din telefoanele adictive.  
Ascultati 1 data pe saptamana, in total de 3 ori, adica 3 saptamani.  Luati pauze intre ascultari, cel putin 7 zile.
Hidratati-va.  Dormiti, iesiti in natura des, respirati si pastrati starea de armonie.
Aceste audio energetice inlocuiesc deloc terapia clasica. 
Sesiunea audio este suplimentara, complementara si va asumati raspunderea de a asculta acest detox energetic inalt benefic.  Enjoy. 

​Nothing in these audios is to be construed as legal, medical(classical) or psychological advice.  
Anything I share is for educational and entertainment purposes only. 
Each soul must do their own research. Each soul is to be self-responsible. I am not liable for any choices the reader makes based on the contents of this information. I live by God's highest law - to love thy neighbor and do no harm. Consult your classical doctor for your health issues.