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Next Episode: Sesiune Magica Vindecare

Short powerful energetic session for opening your heart to love, to that Feminine in you: Intuitive part, gentle and loving. 
That is the Feminine side in you, whether male or female. 
You are advised now to embrace your feminine side, to express it, applying it to a current troublesome situation. Embracing these gentle, caring, nurturing qualities will help you to feel a greater sense of balance, and this will help you overcome your present difficulty. Ask Mother Earth to help, ground and strengthen you, and you will feel a renewed sense of vitality.
Feel your connection to the Earth, spend time in nature, and remember that both masculine and feminine qualities are complementary parts in every human being. Balance, true power and wisdom are only possible when you can embrace both.  

Is it hard for you to trust in good fortune because you have been hurt in the past when you took a risk? 
Staying earthbound does not offer the safety you seek, for that can be found only through trusting that Spirit is always with you and wants the best for you. 

Your intuition is guidance from Spirit, telling you to let go of your fears and leap into the abundance and good fortune awaiting you. 

 Spirit reminds you that the only way now is to jump forward. 
Can you be willing to trust the Unknown, the Great Mystery that you can’t fully understand? 
Even if you take the teeniest leap in consciousness to be willing, it’s a beautiful beginning! 
Sure, every leap forward brings a new challenge, but you can handle it with Spirit as your partner, trusting that this new experience will only deepen your life with magic and meaning. 

Take the leap! 


Essential: the Conscious Universe is the Source of supply, Spirit is fundamental to life, the mystical is the primary reality

Please know that all is GoD. This is a profound, magical time in your life, and it’s important that you recognize your relationship with your Higher Power as essential and primary.

Consider all the gifts of your very existence. When you breathe, ask yourself who is breathing you? What force moves through you, animating you and those you love? The Universe is the spark of life within you and Nature. In you is true magic, connecting you to the web of all creation; each strand woven on your behalf is pure consciousness. 
Right now, you’re being asked to remember this and feel what that means to you.

Every single thing in your life is sacred and infused with the power of Spirit, God, the Conscious Universe. Even your difficulties are infused with the sacred and are always beckoning you to remember who you truly are: an immortal, spiritual being having a mortal, human experience.

Can you see right now that whatever you’re asking about has divinity sparkling through it? Treat the subject of your query with reverence and step into the sacred dance. You cannot go wrong; you’re meant to have this experience right now.

For years I have felt your yearning.
Forever I have loved you.

Much love, 

Light Language Activations by JJ