Daz Smith has been Remote Viewing in the UK since 1997. Daz trained in the SRI/Military technique called CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing). For the past two decades  he has practiced Remote Viewing and have developed it to a level whereby he now feel very comfortable with his overall accuracy and ability and can confidently pass this on to clients - Results most of the time they hover around the 60 – 80+% accurate mark! Daz Smith has been double blind tasked to remote view such esoteric targets as UFOs, UAPs, Extraterrestrial targets, the JFK assassination, Mars, the Moon, and many other fascinating targets.  

Daz Smith Remote Viewed - https://www.remoteviewed.com/  

Remote Viewed YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/RemoteViewed/featured  

 Daz Smith Twitter - https://twitter.com/remoteviewed  

Carl Vibe links - https://linktr.ee/carlvibe 


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