Joelle Hadley is the founder and president of The Culture Coaches and travels the country helping to create more positive and productive workplaces where people love their work and love their lives.

Yes, it is possible to love your work and embrace the people around you!

Hadley created a popular course called “Lead Like A Genius” where she explores the greatest secrets of one of the greatest leaders of all time, Leonardo da Vinci.

Revered for his technological ingenuity, da Vinci conceptualized flying machines, a type of armored fighting vehicle, concentrated solar power, and quite a bit more.  Hadley, upon reading more about da Vinci, was moved by his fearlessness, ingenuity, and leadership qualities, all of which made him pure genius.

“One day I sat down and read it and was so enamored with what this man did and how multidimensional he was,” Hadley explains.

How can we all tap into that kind of higher mindset and how does it help us become happier and more successful?

In this episode, Hadley teaches us what students in her lectures and workshops learn.  She shares her top five tips about how to transform and lead like a genius.

Learn to identify your own personal values. Discover your natural talents and gifts and create a purpose statement when times are tough. Learn empowering language skills. Learning to deal with difficult things. Time management

She recommends asking yourself the following questions:

How do I want to show up in the world? How do I want to be remembered?

And she talks about what is known as The Leonardo trick:

You have to be curious about life. You have to ask a lot of questions.

“Value is a belief system that is so strong that it drives your behaviors and habits every day,” Hadley says.

What do you value? If being a strong leader and creating a positive work environment for yourself and others is important, listen to this podcast and hear what Joelle Hadley has to say about how to transform and lead like a genius.

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