Welcome to A Care's Heart podcast.

In this very short extra episode, I am letting you know that the schedule of the podcasts is going to change. They were originally every Wednesday, so four a month, possibly five. However, I am going to have to change that down to two episodes, the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.

The reason being I took over a year planning A Care's Heart and it's something I'm incredibly passionate about. But I'm still very much learning about podcasting, the technical side of it, putting everything together social media, and it is taking an awful lot longer than I had thought he would and that I had planned for. And as an active carer, it's beginning to impact on my ability to care for my loved one. 

So, to ensure that I can keep podcasting and keep providing the best support I can for you, I need to drop down to two episodes a month, for the time being anyway until either one, I get a lot better at the technology and the processes and I become a lot quicker at being able to put them together and put them out. Or I'm in a position to outsource some of that.

If you have any questions, please do email me at [email protected] and I will be putting out the first of the new schedule of podcasts and that will be on Wednesday, the 1st July and I hope you will be able to join me for that, as I will be talking about loneliness as a carer, even though you may not be alone.