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This week's thought-provoking podcast is the fourth and last in a four-part series covering four of the most prominent emotions carers experience throughout their caring journey: guilt, resentment, grief and anger and today I am discussing anger.

Anger isn't an emotion that particularly resonated with me when I first started to explore carers emotions for a recent Masters degree. However, it quickly became clear that it is definitely of the prominent emotions carers experience and then often have intense feelings of guilt about. 

In this episode, I have the pleasure of talking with Anger Management Expert, Tanya Heasley and she shares with us about how anger can show up in your life, where it comes from and it is actually a very important emotion and trying to suppress it can cause depression. She then outlines some practical activities you can do to try to reduce any negative impact it might be having, on you as a caregiver. 

Tanya also tells us about a 31st Mental Fitness Challenge she is running in December 2020, please see the show notes for more details. 

If you have any questions about this or any of the topics covered, please contact us at [email protected]