This weeks thought-provoking blog post and podcast, is the first in a four-part series covering the four most prominent emotions carers experience throughout their caring journey: guilt, resentment, grief and anger and today we are starting with probably the most common emotion, guilt

Feeling guilt as a carer is simply part of your role and life. It's not about 'if' you feel guilt, but about 'when' and how often. Unable to share the feelings of guilt with family or friends, as it is often linked with remorse, regret and shame, the psychological pressure builds, until you start to feel the negative impact, putting your mental wellbeing at risk.

I discuss examples of when guilt can be triggered; explain why recognising and understanding the emotion of guilt when it shows up, is the first step in unhooking yourself from its power and provide exercises for you to start practising and building on this discussion, ready to explore the next emotion, resentment, which can easily develop from a constant feeling of guilt, which will be published on the 7th October.