Episodes will be published every Wednesday morning at 7 am (UK Time) and will last between 15- 30 mins. At the end of each episode, I will discuss further reading and research, exercises and activities.

Some of the topics may be sensitive, such as talking about grief or bereavement. Although they will always be focused on providing emotional and psychological support, if you feel you would rather not listen to those episodes, but would still like to receive show notes and resources, let me know and I will be pleased to send them to you. 

Weekly Themes
I outline the themes for each week of the month. 

At the end of each episode, I will let you know what the topic is for the following week, but it will be under one of the themes mentioned at the beginning of this episode. 

So who is A Carer’s Heart for?
All carers/caregivers are very welcome, regardless of who you are caring for such as a child, parent, partner, friend, anyone. Listeners of all faiths and cultures are most welcome, wherever you live in the world; whether or not you consider yourself a care/caregiver or whether you are caring full or part-time, live with your caree or not.

Are you a cared-for person?  Although A Carer’s Heart is intended to support the wellbeing of carers so they can best support their loved ones, you are an important part of that relationship, so you are most welcome as well. Indeed, if you have any thoughts on how your carer might be best supported, then I would love to hear from you. 

Stage in your caring journey
A Carer’s Heart is for you at any stage of your caring journey. Whether you are at the beginning of your caring journey and are in the process of preparing or thinking about becoming a caregiver; whether you have been caring for a while or the active part of the caring has now ended. 

What will not be covered in A Carer’s Heart
The focus of A Carer’s Heart is us, as carers, not those we care for. A Carer’s Heart is about YOU and your needs.  The best way for me to support YOU, is to concentrate on the challenges you are currently facing or might face in the future.

I will not be referring to any illnesses or conditions cared for individuals might be dealing with and will only be referring to the challenges we face as a result of caring for another person in neutral terms, never giving specific examples of what an individual is suffering from or something they have or have not done.

Also, I won’t be covering anything to do with the administrative part of being a carer, for examples how and what allowances to apply for and dealing with health care providers. However, I will be covering the emotions and feelings that can be activated when dealing with these types of situations. 

Next episode  

Next Wednesday 17th June – Topical Issues - Additional emotional and psychological challenges of being a caregiver during the COVID pandemic and beyond, with some tips to support your psychological wellbeing. 

Please remember to like A Care’s Heart Facebook page, where I will be posting about forthcoming episodes and have Q&A sessions after each one.  https://www.facebook.com/acarersheart/

Also, if you would like to sign up to be notified of additional episodes and other surprise bonuses, please visit podcast.acarersheart.com

Thank you again for listening to A Carer’s Heart podcast, I hope you can join me next week, stay safe and remember what a special thing it is that you do!