So as we continue on the caregiver's journey we have already covered some essential first steps, hopefully by now you have a better understanding of your current role and the path your caregiving journey might take. Now armed with all of this knowledge and information it is time to figure out what to do next. Now is the time to make a plan or rather a series of plans.

Many experts who work with caregivers will at this stage strongly advice you to hold a family meeting. This is where you with your loved one and all of the family involved in their care get together and discuss their needs, express concerns and formulate a plan.

Sounds great right? And for many families this approach is all that is advertised itself to be, a helpful gathering of open communication and harmonious agreement.

 But suppose your family doesn't work this way? Suppose your family has trouble gathering around the Thanksgiving table without tension or arguments? Maybe you and most of your family can do this but suppose the subject of this meeting - your loved one, is cantankerous and stubbornly refusing to see any problems, or worse has the early stages of dementia and is not even aware any of the issues or concerns.

So my advice is to NOT have a family meeting! Do this instead...