Are you one of the 40 million? ~

That is the estimated number of unpaid family caregivers in the United States today.

And as our population ages and life spans are longer more of us will be finding ourselves caring either for an elderly parent or an aging spouse at some time. Family caregivers are usually unpaid and certainly not trained professionals. Most new family caregivers greatly underestimate the enormity of the task ahead. Many feel like they are “flying by the seat of their pants” having to make quick decisions with long-term consequences.

Caregiver School is a training program designed to provide the needed information and education to help you be a more effective and less stress family caregiver. This nine-part program covers a variety of topics that will help you provide the best care for your loved one and yourself.

Download and print the Course Outline to see that I will cover a lot of really basic yet important information that you will need to help you be a more effective and hopefully a little less stressed family caregiver. 

This audio series is for information and educational purposes only. I do not provide any legal, medical or financial advice. My goal is to provide you with general information, so that you can seek out professional assistance from the appropriate subject matter expert.