The first step to renovating your career is to be aware of yourself, particularly your career attitude. Sure you need to be aware of what drives you, your values your beliefs, your knowledge and skills Recently I heard on BBC Wide-wide radio how elite athletes prepare to compete for Olympic Gold.  Sure there are different [...]

Career Success 1 – Personal and Market Awareness is a post from: Career Renovators

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A Culture of Success

The first step to renovating your career is to be aware of yourself, particularly your career attitude.

Sure you need to be aware of what drives you, your values your beliefs, your knowledge and skills

Recently I heard on BBC Wide-wide radio how elite athletes prepare to compete for Olympic Gold.  Sure there are different processes for different sports, but each had an attitude to that helped them move forward to succeed.

Of the ten athletes interviewed, each had different attitudes. Some trained no matter what, forging forward.   Others gave training a miss when they knew that training wouldn’t help them move forward.  Others only had a light session when things weren’t going right.  The take home message is different attitudes can produce gold.

Each however never gave up to achieving their dream of standing on the top podium at the Olympic Games.

My attitude to success is based Intelligent Persistence.  Yours might be something different.

Your attitude will determine the quality of your life and career success.

What I’ve come to appreciate is that one’s attitude is more important than knowledge, one’s failures and successes and even what other people think of you.

Attitude is more important than your appearance, talent and skills.

Your attitude will make or break a career, a business, and even your home.

You cannot change how people will act.

And that you cannot change the inevitable.

However you can choose your attitude to improve your life and the lives of others.

Life is 10 per cent of what happens to you and 90 per cent how we react to what has happened to you.

So what attitude could you adopt to renovate you career?

That depends on a host of things.  Let’s start with Awareness.

Personal Awareness

For example, Jonathan Maxwell, a senior wine executive wants a career insurance policy if things go belly up in the wine business.  His attitude is to undergo intensive voice training, while at the same thing setting up a small business structure.  At the moment he doesn’t want to undertake any advanced marketing computer training.  However he is willing to take consistent actions to improve his voice skills.

On the other hand, David Stratford has reinvented his career, found allies in China and is generating significant revenue using traditional techniques. David now wants to review his website, consider online services and become a ‘publisher’ on the www, using audio, video, and print products. David’ attitude is to learn and take the actions to achieve his online goals.

In each case Jonathan and David are very aware of their current

Financial and
Technological Assets

Both John and David  have the first Level of Awareness, Personal Awareness.

There are a couple of other levels of awareness that is required to renovate your career.

Market Awareness.

This level is about being aware of where your skills, and knowledge or to put another way where your renovated service is wanted or needed,

If your local market is shedding or thinking of shedding itself of your services then you are in a potential bind.

For example, Australia car designers and engineers heard the rumour that the Australian car, the Commodore and future models made be designed and manufacturer overseas, possibly Asia.  There was an intensive union outcry and the media had a field day.  The senior executives of General Motors Holden company claim a decision hasn’t been hasn’t been made yet.

Similarly, there was and is an outcry when baggage handlers went on rolling strikes disrupting services.  The CEO suddenly grounded the domestic and international Qantas fleet, bring chaos and stranding thousands of passengers in Australia and around the World.

These are very public examples of what’s been happening to companies in the USA because of Globalisation, competition and cheaper labour costs.

There was the cheap ‘Bra and Trousers’ War between manufacturers in China  and the European Union, particularly France, where the European manufacturers couldn’t produce the items at the same price as those in China- balance of trade issue I believe.

There is a lesser known fact that China has built 160 plus new towns to house five million people each.  All these towns stand empty.  The shopping malls, school buildings, roads and other infrastructure are going to ruin before occupied.  Why?  The local population cannot afford the prices asked for apartments and other amenities.

Australia and Africa have supplied and continue to supply the iron ore and other commodities for China’s growing economy and these countries have reaped massive financial rewards.  How long can the China bubble grow before it bursts?

The Chinese economy is an export economy, with much of it exports going to Europe and the US!

The signs are there for another potential economic regression in the next few years.  Some think it will take another decade to recover economically.

When renovating your career you have to be aware of the trends that are occurring in your city, your state, country, region and even globally.

People working in IT, finance and banks should be thinking about renovating their careers.

Before becoming totally depressed, start becoming aware of new opportunities not just where you live.  Of course keep thinking locally, but be aware nationally, regionally and even globally of opportunities.  There are a host opportunities.

In the next print blog you read a few ides about Technological awareness.

Till next time keep creating your future with


Career Success 1 – Personal and Market Awareness is a post from: Career Renovators

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