#44 - When Mic Tee was growing up in the suburbs of Toronto, he was surrounded by music. Hip-hop, house, and gospel were commonly heard but it was the calm relaxing feeling he got when his father played the classical guitar at home that really drove Mic’s passion. While he explored this passion, Mic also wanted to be practical so headed to Wilfrid Laurier University to get a degree in business knowing that an in-demand degree would help him get a job long-term.

At university, Mic explored all areas of music and it was during this time where he realized that a career in music was absolutely where he wanted to stake his claim. Without a roadmap to get into the music industry, and with those around Mic telling him how hard it was to break into the industry, he decided that he would do something practical that would help advance his career opportunities; further his education.

As he waited to start a post-grad certificate in Marketing and Corporate Communications, he was hired as a recruiter for his alma matter, and that one summer job turned into three years of working at the university. At the same time, Mic was writing and recording music on the side which eventually got him noticed for his writing talents. Weekend trips to Miami were the norm as Mic continued to gain experience and make connections and eventually he signed on as a ghostwriter for Cash Money Records. He had made it. He finally had stability in the career he had worked so hard towards.

Despite this success, Mic was experiencing burnout and decided to take a break by backpacking in Columbia with some friends. This trip ultimately changed his life as it was in Columbia where he met his wife, Monica, who was not impressed with his accolades and Entourage lifestyle. It was then that Mic began to realize the downsides to his industry, but he pushed onwards as it was practical to do so. Then, after another 5 years, Mic decided to fully commit to making a change so he could get back that feeling he had when listening to his dad play the classical guitar in their living room when he was younger. 

Now, in 2021, Mic runs Emtee Education, an artist development and music education firm that provides artists and labels the resources needed to build a foundationally stable strategy for long-term success.

Find Mic at the following locations:

Emtee Education Website

Emtee Education is on all major social media platforms @emteeeducation

Mic Tee on all major social media platforms - @itsmictee


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