Many of my coaching clients come to me wanting to be more productive because they aren't meeting some goal or expectation they've set for themselves. 


You can do a Google search and find hundreds of productivity hacks.


But is doing more really the answer?

Not always! 


So, how can you determine the productivity issues you're really trying to solve?


On this episode of Career Confessions, I'll walk you through some reasons we seek the answers to more success in all the wrong places. Then I guide you through some insight into how to dig deeper to determine what productivity really means to and for you. 


Listen in as I share how saying NO can help you find the time you dream of for your most critical non-negotiables. Plus, I share a fun exercise you can do to pull back from some of the forces pulling you in all different directions and find the center of YOUR vision for success.


Did you know that when you and I work together on your coaching plan, we not only create a performance routine that works for you while we work together, but we also create a 6-month go-forward plan for when our time together ends?

If you are interested in taking the next step on your success journey, fill out the form of my bio, and let's chat!


Key Takeaways  


Why we can't outrun our belief system by changing our daily routine

Why productivity isn’t the be all end all for success

The #1 question you need to ask yourself to determine your own success metrics

How to determine if you are saying NO often enough

Why saying yes too often can keep you living someone else's version of success 

How a stick figure drawing can help you determining if you are being pulled in too many directions

Why a 30-day check-in plan is vital to your long-term success

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