What does it take to be a true leader?

No doubt, you’ve had supervisors who may have been in charge, but they didn’t influence or inspire you.

So, what are the characteristics of a strong leader? A leader you remember and respect?

On this episode of Career Confessions, I describe the intentional work it takes to become a leader, challenging you to reflect on what good leadership looks like and determine the kind of influence you want to have on those around you.

I explain why empathy is a key component of my leadership style and discuss how strong leaders understand what motivates people and challenge them to be better.

Listen in for insight on why it’s crucial to lead as your authentic self and learn how to take steps today to embody the kind of leader you want to be tomorrow!

Key Takeaways  

What distinguishes a supervisor from a true leader

The intentional work it takes to embody the characteristics of a leader people remember and respect

How to determine the kind of influence you want to have on those around you

Why empathy is a key component of my leadership style

Why it’s crucial to lead as your authentic self

The benefit of identifying how you react to stressors now so you’re ready to handle high-stakes situations later on

How strong leaders understand what motivates people and challenge them to be better

The question good leaders ask when there’s friction

How strong leaders connect on a deeper level

How communication and leadership skills translate across industries and into every area of our lives

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