Want to fast-track your career growth? Then you need to stop playing it safe and start applying for stretch assignments that are one or two levels above your current role.

But putting yourself out there for higher-level positions comes with the risk of rejection. 

So, how do you bounce back from the disappointment of being turned down for a job? How do you turn the pain into purpose and grow through the process?

On this episode of Career Confessions, I offer insight on accepting rejection, describing the danger in dissecting every job description as if it were a checklist and explaining how to prepare for challenging screenings and interviews.

I weigh in on how to acknowledge the disappointment of rejection without letting it consume you, discussing why it’s a disservice to overanalyze what you could have done differently when you get close but don’t get the job. 

Listen in for advice on leveraging rejection to identify gaps and improve your skills and learn my top strategies for staying connected with the companies that are a good fit for you!

Key Takeaways  

Why you should be chasing stretch assignments that are a level or two above your current role

The danger in dissecting every job description as it if were a checklist

What to do if you don’t have the years of experience a job description calls for

Why it’s a disservice to overanalyze what you could have done differently when you get close but don’t get the job

The power in interview mock trials and coaching sessions to prepare for a screening or job interview

Why it’s crucial to acknowledge the disappointment of rejection (without letting it consume you)

How jotting down exactly WHY you’re disappointed helps you uncover what you DO want

How to leverage the pain of rejection to identify gaps and improve your skills

My advice on staying connected with companies that are a good fit

How to decide whether to apply for other roles even if you’re happy with your current company

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