Do you find that your career growth trajectory sometimes feels overwhelming? What do you do when you are face to face with a problem you don't see a solution for? 

Over the years, I have learned reaching for new heights in your business or professional life means facing new obstacles. As you continue to scale the summit, eventually, you will find yourself face to face with a bigger challenge than you have ever met before. And the bigger you've grown, the bigger that problem is going to be. Especially with rapid growth. 

Recently, I had a problem that kept me up for several nights in a row. It felt insurmountable. I wondered how I would solve it. But I also wondered why this particular thing was causing such a monster disruption. It felt like I was in a perfect storm. I knew there was a solution, but I was having trouble finding it on my own.  

On this episode of Career Confessions, I share the story of how looking outside of myself, and beyond those in my day-to-day life helped me overcome that struggle in my upward growth trajectory. Plus, I share the best investment I’ve ever made in myself and my business.

Listen in as I discuss what those big problems really mean and the importance of investing in yourself so you can continue chasing your BIG dreams.

Key Takeaways  

What do you do when you’re facing a problem you don’t see a solution to
How growing pains are a sign you are on the right path
Why growing your career is like changing your workout regime 

What it takes to keep pushing through when your career challenges keep getting bigger

Why your husband isn’t the best sounding board for your business challenges
How I invested in myself to grow in my career and businesses
The secret support system behind most successful professionals

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