Everyone looks perfect on social media. Their bodies, careers, relationships, families… It all looks better than what I have, right?

It’s easy to get wrapped up inwhat everyone else's relationships look like on social media, but it’s important to remember that it’s not as genuine as it looks.

On this episode of Career Confessions, I’m taking a different approach than usual and sharing my struggle with divorce, debt, and comparing my relationship to others.

We all want to prove to the rest of the world that we have it the best and sharing your story can be really powerful. But we need to be careful about the amount of visibility we let the world have on our own personal lives.

Listen in to hear my perspective on why I waited until after I conquered my problems and gained valuable insight to share my story with the world.

Key Takeaways

My experience going through divorce and taking on unexpected financial debt How sharing your experiences with others can be powerful after you have gained perspective on the situation How exposing too much of your personal life on social media can be dangerous How not to compare your life and relationships to the examples you see on social media How give and take in a relationship creates a positive teamwork environment Why being different from your partner is not a weakness Why the mature conversations you have in your professional life also need to be present in your home The difference between your partner understanding you and supporting you

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