Too many top performers miss an opportunity in your end-of-year performance reviews. 

If you’re not mapping out your key achievements in a methodical way, your manager doesn’t have the evidence they need to support your ranking in review calibration. And it’s up to you to remind them of the impact you make in the company.

So, what can you do to prepare for your upcoming performance review and get the ranking you deserve?

On this episode of Career Confessions, I share the six pillars of a strong performance review, explaining why it’s crucial to take your time and weave your brand into the document.

I challenge you to highlight your mic drop moments and examples of personal growth throughout a performance review, so you stand out as a top performer.

Listen in for insight on including projections for projects in progress and learn how to showcase your efforts clearly in a strong end-of-year performance review!

Key Takeaways  

How mapping out key achievements helps your boss support you in calibration

My 6 pillars of a strong performance review and how to prepare for it

Why you shouldn’t wait until the end of the year to start writing your performance review

How to weave your brand value prop into your performance review

How to highlight your mic drop moments in the text of a performance review

Why I suggest including projections re: the impact of projects in progress

Examples of how to demonstrate personal growth in a performance review

Why next steps to achieve your goals should be part of any end-of-year conversation

What to do if your performance in 2021 was not up to your standards

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Text (424) 610-8471


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