The holidays are a good time to unplug, recharge and assess what’s working in your life—and what isn’t.

To take an honest look at the red flags you’ve been too busy to see and commit to making changes in the new year.

On this episode of Career Confessions, I explain how to use the Wheel of Life for a 360-degree audit of your life, challenging you to identify where you’re playing small and recommit to the goals you set for yourself.

I share why I’m finishing the year with Live Hard Phase 1, describing how we stop ourselves from leveling up out of comfort or fear and why it’s crucial to set goals in our personal and professional life.

Listen in to understand how a coach can help unlock your full potential and achieve peak performance in all aspects of your life!

Key Takeaways  


Why the holiday break is a good time to analyze what’s serving you (and what isn’t)

How to use the Wheel of Life for a 360-degree assessment of your life

Why I’m finishing the year by challenging myself to a new level with Live Hard Phase 1

How we stop ourselves from leveling up out of comfort or fear

How to identify where you’re playing small and recommit to your goals

The value of investing in a coach to help you unlock your full potential

How a career coach can help you achieve peak performance in all aspects of life

Connect with Andrea

Andrea Martin Consulting

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Andrea on LinkedIn

Text (424) 610-8471




Wheel of Life

75 Hard

Live Hard Phase 1

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