When you first begin a new role, your inspiration and enthusiasm are at their peak. You're providing value and doing great work.  


But there comes a point when your enthusiasm for being there diminishes. You’re still giving 100%, but the learning curve has leveled off. For most people, that is fine, but you feel stifled and even a bit frustrated.

You're ready to accelerate, but you are tired of feeling like you're always searching.


So, how do you position yourself for your next move?   

On this episode of Career Confessions, I share the framework for career acceleration and offer guidance on how to stop searching and become a magnet for new opportunities.

I’ll explain how to network effectively while using corporate politics to your advantage. I’ll help you dig deep to determine what you bring to the table, and then prepare you to accelerate into your next big thing without wasting time on strategies that just don’t work.

You’ll learn how to step around your fears, so you can posture yourself in a position of such professional authority that you can skip levels or even create your own ideal position, even if it doesn’t currently exist. 

Listen in to take on the challenge that will make YOU the go-to candidate for your dream position. 


Key Takeaways  

Why your learning curve slows down when you get too comfortable in a position

How to avoid putting yourself out of the game before it even starts

The key to harnessing corporate politics

The biggest networking mistake people make and how to avoid it

The secret to using your network effectively

Why you should stop chasing success

The key to becoming a magnet for new opportunities

The benefit of being prepared to pitch yourself at the drop of a hat

The number one way to land your dream job even if it doesn’t exist

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