If you’re looking to demonstrate your leadership potential at work, it’s important for your supervisor to see you in the best possible light.

But what if you’re inadvertently doing things that drive your boss crazy? 

No matter how good your technical skills may be, if your manager thinks you communicate poorly or have a negative influence on your peers, you’re unlikely to be at the top of their list for promotion.

Lauren Lustig is the Founder and President of Lauren Lustig Advisors, a career coaching firm based in New York City. With 20 years of experience as a human resources professional and former head of HR, Lauren is passionate about helping professionals build a successful career strategy and providing small businesses with HR support.

On this episode of Career Confessions, Lauren joins me to discuss the 6 things you might be doing at work that your boss hates, explaining why you shouldn’t wait to bring a problem to your manager until it’s already erupting.

We weigh in on how to handle yourself during a reorganization at work, challenging you to market yourself as indispensable and stay calm and focused through difficult times.

Listen in for insight on asking for clarification when you don’t understand a direct request and learn to adapt to your manager’s working style and exhibit a strong sense of professionalism to succeed at work!

Key Takeaways  

The 6 things you might be doing at work that your boss hates

Why you shouldn’t wait to bring your manager a problem until right before or as it’s erupting

How your boss is a resource there to help you

The best way to communicate with your peers in the midst of a reorganization

How to market yourself as indispensable and stay calm and focused in difficult times

How to ask for clarification when you don’t understand a direct request (and why you should always ask for a deadline)

The value in emulating your manager’s working style 

How her strong understanding of basic professionalism contributes to Lauren’s success

Why you should seek mentorship from others in the organization if your direct boss isn’t great

How Lauren serves clients through career coaching, HR advising and corporate training

Connect with Lauren

Lauren Lustig Advisors

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Connect with Andrea

Andrea Martin Consulting

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How to Give Your Boss Bad News on Career Confessions EP007