The US government has started backing food as medicine for the prevention of chronic diet-related health and wellness issues. For this to yield the expected results, the current nutrition system must be revamped and transformed. Corinna Bellizzi explores this topic with food specialist and chiropractor Dr. Grace Hameister. She explains how to eliminate the five villains of society that stand in the way of achieving optimal health. Dr. Grace also talks about the importance of paying more attention to ingredient lists in food packaging and navigating the cultural shifts in food production.


About Guest:

A seasoned doctor of chiropractic, Integrative Medicine, and food specialist, Dr. Grace is a Wisconsin native who was the first Olympic-level rhythmic gymnast in the state. Her life as an elite athlete merged with geeky scientist after becoming a doctor and practicing in San Francisco and Beverly Hills for 18 years. This crazy combo has brought her to live and work in the world of celebrity, high-powered executives, musicians, gifted practitioners, and innovative thinkers who are having a positive impact on people and our planet.


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