In this series of mini-episodes, Corinna teases through the primary concepts of Paul Hawken's book, Regeneration: Ending The Climate Crisis In One Generation. This week's focus is on Forests, and their role in ending climate change. She provides an overview of the chapter's 8 sections with relevant quotes from the book and commentary from her own experience. 

Time Stamps: 

00:00 Introduction 

02:30 A Regeneration-Oriented, Hopeful Mindset

04:08 Commit to Proforestation #1

04:49 Preserve Boreal Forests #2

06:35 Stop Clearcutting Tropical Forests #3

07:37 Commit to Afforestation #4

08:23 Preserve Peatlands #5

10:47 Promoting Agroforestry #6

11:57 Fire Ecology and Managing Undergrowth (using indigenous knowledge to initiate controlled burns) #7

14:39 Bamboo A Marvelous, Versatile Plant #8

16:13 Which Will You Champion? 

17:08 Preview of Regeneration Part 3: Wilding


Works Mentioned:

Regeneration: Ending The Climate Crisis In One Generation was published on September 21, 2021 and is available at all your favorite booksellers. Visit the Regeneration website for details, resources, and valuable tools for anyone interested in becoming a climate activist. 

Regeneration + Nexus: 


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