If you do something that nourishes nature and your surroundings, you will certainly experience nourishment within yourself as well. This is what life-scaping is all about. Corrina Bellizzi delves into this concept further with Monique Allen, CEO of The Garden Continuum. Monique shares tips on the most sustainable ways of building indoor and outdoor landscaping. She explains everything that must be considered, from soil health, types of plants, and the reasonable cost of labor. Monique also talks about how landscaping can help regenerate your body and soul, giving you a better mindset and a stronger connectivity with the world.

About Guest:

Monique Allen is the CEO of The Garden Continuum, an award-winning, multiple seven-figure landscape design/build, and fine gardening company. She is the author of the book "STOP Landscaping, START Life-Scaping" and the founder of the Life-scape Method for landscape development. An active business coach and a "Gardener of People," Monique empowers owners to build compassionate cultures and eco-friendly practices that foster triple bottom line success.

Guest LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/moniquetgc/ 

Guest Website: https://www.TheGardenContinuum.com  

Guest Social: https://www.instagram.com/monique.allen/ 

Show Notes

0:00 – Introduction

3:28 - The "wasteful" landscaping industry

10:20 - What makes soil healthy or unhealthy

14:18 - The wisdom of nature

21:09 - Choosing (flowering) plants for landscaping structure

26:22 - The cost of landscaping labor

33:08 - The concept of "life-scaping"

40:22 - Benefits of biochar

45:24 - Final words

48:38 - Conclusion

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