The climate crisis is worsening each day that passes, and yet society continues to turn a blind eye to its alarming impact on the entire planet. Climate activist George Paxinos, celebrated as the world’s most cited neuroscientist, has decided to try a different approach to catch everyone’s attention regarding this matter: eco-fiction. Sitting down with Corinna Bellizzi, he talks about his first novel, A River Divided, a story about two parties fighting over the Amazon Rainforest. George explains how his narrative aims to challenge readers to stand up and take part in the battle of nature versus nurture. He also discusses his goal to have a reset of religion, science, and culture, as well as how the ethics of scientific exploration and climate crisis might intersect.


About George Paxinos

George Paxinos is a visionary neuroscientist who has discovered and mapped more brain regions than anyone in history. He uses principles of the mind, free will, and consciousness from neuroscience to shape the characters of his eco-fiction novel, A River Divided. An environmentalist himself, his novel explores some of the most important questions of the 21st Century: Is the human brain capable of solving the environmental crisis it created? Is this generation creating the conditions for the extinction of its progeny? In a battle of nature versus nurture, which will be victorious?

Science and idealism are woven together in this novel about the search for meaning, for love, and for an understanding of what is important for us both as individuals and as actors in the environment. The characters of A River Divided will stay with you long after you read the powerful and evocative last sentence: “A Child, I will bring to the world a child.”


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