In today's rapidly expanding digital landscape, data centers play a crucial role that cannot be overlooked. Since data is expected to increase nonstop, such structures will only require more energy and resources to continue to operate. This is where edge computing comes in. Corinna Bellizzi is joined by Tom Frazier, CEO of Redivider, to discuss the best practical solutions to keep the entire industry of data centers alive while resources become scarcer for humanity. He explains how edge computing can lead to higher sustainability and social impact, bringing business boards and IT professionals together towards the proper management of data growth. Tom also talks about the role of artificial intelligence in maintaining and revolutionizing data centers, which will become more demanding as time passes.


About Guest:

Tom Frazier, the co-founder and CEO of Redivider, boasts an impressive 25-year career, driving transformational and disruptive architectural initiatives in future tech, B2B, and public sectors. As a serial entrepreneur, Tom founded Redivider based on his extensive knowledge of data centers and a passion for revolutionizing the industry. Committed to prioritizing people, planet, and profits, Tom is devoted to spearheading innovation in the digital economy. Having served as a cloud and security strategic director for a Fortune 10 company, Tom has been instrumental in securing some of the world's largest digital footprints.


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