A B Corp Movement is happening within industries and could lead the way to create better businesses. Joining Corinna Bellizzi to explain what this means is Chris Marquis. Chris is the Sinyi Professor of Chinese Management at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School and the author of the award-winning book Better Business: How the B Corp Movement is Remaking Capitalism. In this episode, he explains the concepts surrounding the B Corp movement. Chris compares it to benefit corporations and explains greenwashing of companies and the role of capitalism. Understand better how companies can and should shift their corporate purpose and what consumers can do to vet the products they buy and the companies they buy them from by tuning in. 

For a deeper dive into one great example of a nutrition company working to provide a better option, check out this article by Chris Marquis on Corinna's work at Örlö Nutrition:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/christophermarquis/2022/07/15/our-energy-to-food-future/?sh=26ee15a85d8e

Find out more about @orlonutrition and listen to Nutrition Without Compromise, the other show Corinna Bellizzi hosts: https://orlonutrition.com

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