As the climate crisis continues to worsen, natural disasters will only get more dangerous, which leads to traumatic experiences if completely ignored. For this episode, Corinna Bellizzi focuses on forest fire and the urgent need for more resilient tools to get through such a dangerous phenomenon. Joining her is journalist and author Sandra Younger, who personally witnessed the 2003 Cedar Fire. She shares how she wrote a book about surviving this deadly wildfire, losing several of her neighbors, and discovering the right process of jumping back from your lowest points. Sandra also breaks down her Comeback Formula that teaches people hurt by natural disasters to get rid of their unhealthy victim mindset.


About Guest:

Sandra Younger lost her home, twelve neighbors, and almost her own life in the 2003 Cedar Fire–-for 14 years the biggest wildfire in modern California history and a bellwether of today's extreme climate-driven wildfire catastrophes. A powerful storyteller and veteran magazine journalist, Sandra felt compelled to capture the Cedar Fire story in her book, The Fire Outside My Window. Recently re-released as an updated 20th anniversary edition, Sandra’s book has been hailed as required reading for residents of wildfire country, adopted as a training text for top-level emergency professionals, and featured by national media. Sandra is also an international speaker and certified professional coach, dedicated to inspiring the resilience she learned through her fire experience.


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